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Heat in your building, a negative factor for your teams' productivity

Ouvriers travaillant dans un atelier exposé au soleil

As you no doubt know, overheating can have an impact on your building, but not only that. Your entire team could be affected, reducing their productivity - a factor we're sure you want to avoid at all costs.

Why is my building overheating?

Overheating of your building is an excessive rise in its interior temperature, which can be due to a number of factors: poor insulation, a bad situation or even poor design. With the arrival of warmer weather, this problem can affect you and your teams.

Its risks

By reducing the comfort of your teams, their motivation and well-being are often reduced, having a direct impact on the quality of their work and the time they spend doing it.

  1. Are your team members tired? This may be linked to the temperature of the environment in which they work. Indeed, their bodies have to work harder, leading to a depletion of their energy reserves.

  2. Are you noticing a lack of concentration? At the height of summer, the heat can be a real problem for your team, causing physical discomfort (headaches, physical discomfort, etc.) and making it harder for you to concentrate on your work.


The most important of these: reduced cognitive and physical performance. If the work required is particularly demanding in terms of precision and vigilance, it would be dangerous for your employees to work in an environment that is too hot, as their mental and physical coordination would be impaired, resulting in a greater likelihood of accidents or serious errors.

Helping my teams? Yes, but how?

You can prevent your building from overheating by installing external solar protection, for example, to keep the sun out. What's more, when the weather cools down, in the morning or at the end of the day, don't hesitate to air out the premises to renew the air (not forgetting to close the windows when temperatures rise again).

Want to find out more? Discover our tips for preventing your building from overheating and boosting your teams' productivity by providing them with a healthy, comfortable environment.

In short, a hot environment has an impact on the work of your teams, and therefore on productivity. To avoid this, it's essential to implement a strategy aimed at reducing overheating. Don't let the onset of summer affect the well-being and performance of your employees!

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