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Latest articles from Bioclimas

Magasin Facq

Adiabatic cooling systems offer high performance at low cost, making them an attractive alternative to traditional cooling systems.
But what exactly are the environmental and energy benefits of this solution?

Optimum performance
for cooling adiabatic

Ouvriers au travail dans un atelier surchauffé par le soleil

As you no doubt know, overheating can have an impact on your building, but not only that. Your entire team could be affected, reducing their productivity - a factor we're sure you want to avoid at all costs.

Heat in your building, a negative factor for your teams' productivity.

Climate Wiazrd CW-H15s en toiture

Is it possible to cool a building while reducing its environmental impact and drastically cutting energy bills? This is the challenge that Breezair and Climate Wizard adiabatic solutions have brilliantly overcome.  

Breezair and Climate Wizard, air coolers for your buildings

Entrepot surchauffé par soleil

Overheating in buildings is an increasingly common problem, especially with the onset of summer and the associated temperature rises. The cause: buildings that are generally poorly designed, insulated or equipped. Overexposure to the sun can also be a major factor in overheating your building. So what can you do to solve this problem?

Reduce overheating in my building,
is it possible?

Façade du marché central d'Adélaïde

Maintain a pleasant temperature while drastically limiting your environmental footprint and energy costs?

Find out how Adelaide Central Market solved this challenge by adopting an adiabatic cooling solution. It's sure to be the ideal solution for you!

Adiabatic cooling for supermarkets and retail stores 

Intérieur Data Center

Currently, the crucial issue for datacenters is their cooling and, more specifically, the system to use while limiting bills and environmental impact.

Find out how to reduce your datacenter's energy bills

They talk about us

Animation isométrique principe de fonctionnement de la climatisation adiabatique

Adiabatic cooling is a cooling system based on a natural principle: cooling the air by evaporation of water.

cooling adiabatic

Principle and types of solutions

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